Taylor Swift: A Global Sensation? | Teen Ink

Taylor Swift: A Global Sensation?

November 13, 2023
By ecs24 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ecs24 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When hearing about Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour I could only hold high expectations. Swift, a twelve grammy award winner, is known for her carefully curated tours, music, and advancements in the music industry. Just now making the Billionaire list, Swift has boosted the United States economy by four point six million dollars. This is a sensational start for Swift. With that being said, anyone who couldn’t afford the two hundred-plus dollars of the highly demanded tickets; Swift had a movie made of her concert. 

Having seen her concert in person in June at Soldier Field, I had a low expectation as the concert in person left me radiating with excitement. To my surprise, the movie-made concert was just as good and might I say, more comfortable than standing for hours. The quality that was brought to the screen wasn’t all that surprising due to her constantly raising the bar of the music industry. 

While some may argue the movie was “boring” due to the lack of background and behind the scenes footage, it can be argued that the free poster and the trivia that’s presented during the advertisements made it worthwhile. 

The music radiated off of the screen, the quality and experience felt just as if you were in the concert. The ability to take pictures, record, and sing in the theaters led to a more inclusive and realistic experience that was curated for the viewers. 

My recommendation is, if you are a fan of Taylor Swift, you must go. It’s not only a representation of her seventeen years of hard work, it is also an amazing opportunity to have fun dressing up and singing with friends. However, if you aren’t as big of a fan of Swift, it might be wise to save your twenty dollars, due to the music being the main component to the film. 

Nevertheless, the film left everyone in the theater in a warm and happy mood due to the singing boosting our endorphins. The film left the whole audience to sit and want to sit through the credits. It can be argued that most of the time, unless there’s a hidden scene, nobody waits through the credits. This being said, Taylor Swift has proven to be a sensational artist, someone to remember throughout history, through her experiments in a variety of genres and her ability to reach her fans.


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