First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung | Teen Ink

First They Killed My Father by Loung Ung

July 26, 2013
By Placide BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Placide BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
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First they killed my father was a dramatic yet horrifying book. This book had varieties of emotions running through it; it had anger, affection, depression, forgiveness, hatred and more.
When I first seen this book I under estimated it. I thought this book was going to be lifeless, unexciting and dull, but it was the complete opposite.
This was an eye catching book and definitely a heart stopper. It caught my attention in multiple ways. The way the author expressed their feelings for each other using challenging commotions through out the entire book. It will catch your attention in ways I can’t describe; this is a well written book with emotions going through it like a rollercoaster. This book will surprise you with its inconsistent emotions. This book really caught my attention because each character in this book had spontaneous personalities that made me want to read on.
When you read this book you’ll be divested at the most terrifying situations they get caught in. It will really make you think about the high-class life you live and encourage you to cherish every moment of it. The insane obstacles they had to go through would leave you speechless; having to cater to your younger siblings and only being 14 years old yourself is a huge responsibility. On top of that his mother has vanished with his youngest sibling leaving him to think they’re dead, with his father already out of the picture and his older brothers’ are at camp; that leaves him as the man of the hunt. Though he is terrified with fear, he puts on a strong front for his younger siblings. By the end of the book you will find yourself gasping with disbelieve and astonishment.
You’ll be amazed how easy you connect with the book in varies ways.
The author really brings the book to life, the constant fear of knowing an explosion can happen anytime or a soldier can just come and take one of your beloved ones is just nerve wrecking. I believe the author did really well on this book; he expresses the horrifying details of their environment and the tragedies of their emotional journey to survive. The author also describes the physical abuse the soldiers did to the villagers. This is the first time I’ve read a book by Loung Ung and I am highly impressed. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes bewilderment, nerve wrecking and mysterious books. I would definitely give this book 5 stars.

The author's comments:
Class assignment.

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