Easy A | Teen Ink

Easy A

November 9, 2012
By Anonymous

Bert Royal’s interpretation of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s classic novel, The Scarlet Letter was made into a movie called Easy A in 2010. The main character Olive Prendergast [Emma Stone] represents Hester Prynne, a high school ‘prostitute’. After a rumor spreads about her losing her virginity to a college guy, she exemplifies her new reputation by sewing an ‘A’ onto her clothes. She then lies about having sex with guys for money and attention. This movie hardly adapts to the book, thus it only deserves a D.

Royal didn’t follow the story virtually at all. His first misconception was the reasoning behind the letter embroidered on Olive’s clothes. Hester was forced to wear it in punishment for committing adultery, while Olive wore it to fit her new reputation. She was being called a ‘w****’, so she sewed an ‘A’ into a new wardrobe out of spite. One of the few correct analysis’ he made was the ridicule Hester and Olive received. Hester had to stand in the middle of town being judged by everyone, whereas Olive was mocked by her school, especially by a group of religious kids who held up signs petitioning her sin. As well as being treated like a toy, she was only wanted so others could boost their confidence and social rank. Another point that Bert Royal was way off about, was the ending. Of course he’s not going to end the movie with a teenage girl dying, but she told the truth over a webcast she had been using throughout the movie and told the truth to restore her good girl status. The movie ended with her running off with a boy she had a crush on since she was little. All these reasons clearly defend the low grade he is receiving.

Even though Royal’s version of The Scarlet Letter didn’t follow the story line, it was a good attempt at showing a modern adaptation under those circumstances. Both of these stories convey a society’s scorn against someone who doesn’t follow the rules. Something the reader learned from the book was to not be involved with sin. From the movie viewers learned that if a rumor is spread like that, don’t accept it, and fight it so people know the truth. It’s sad how accepted and common adultery is in society now days. It makes you wonder how frequent the sin would be if everyone had to embroider an ‘A’ onto their clothes if they weren’t faithful.

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