Mamma Mia! | Teen Ink

Mamma Mia!

April 25, 2012
By 11swimer4life SILVER, Leawood, Kansas
11swimer4life SILVER, Leawood, Kansas
5 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to be in the world

Mamma Mia! is an outstanding movie that came out in 2008. The director of the movie was Phyllida Lloyd who was honored for her opera music. Mamma Mia! was filmed in Kastan Bay, in Greece. This movie was based off the play Mamma Mia! from 1975.
Mamma Mia- the movie-is musical love stories with outstanding characters that make me want to stand up and cheer every time I see it! The songs sung were fun, whacky, and show crazy emotions! Speaking of songs, Mamma Mia! shows emotions and sends flowing lyrics to your ears. My personal favorite would be “Honey Honey” because they way they sing it and the dances they do with it. My second favorite would probably “Does your Mother know?” because of the fast beats.

The characters in Mamma Mia! are funny and creative and make you feel like you’re a part of the movie. Amanda Seyfried was the role of Sophie Sheridan who was the one getting married. She also was the one who sent letters to all three of her possible dads, and plays the main role. Dominic Cooper played the role of Sophie’s fiancé, and designed a website for the hotel that Sophie’s mom owns. My favorite actor in Mamma Mia! would have to be Christine Baranski plays the role of Aunt Tanya who is one of the funniest people in the movie and has the BEST script.

Finally the dancers in Mamma Mia! were unbelievable how good they are. The dancers had perfect technique and show emotion in there dances. In the song, “Does your Mother know?” is one of the best dances in Mamma Mia! by far! In addition, “Mamma Mia” the song had good dancers that dance to the song’s lyrics. All in all the dancers were amazing and are extremely talented.

In conclusion, Mamma Mia the movie has great singers, actors, and dancers. This movie is funny and kooky with a cute story line. All in all the is movie is five stars.


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