The Slums by Paul Langon | Teen Ink

The Slums by Paul Langon

February 9, 2015
By DetroitDudley BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
DetroitDudley BRONZE, Jackson, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Literary Canon Board of Directors,

I am writing this letter because I beige that “The Slums”  should be considered a classic and should be entered in the Literary Canon.

The first reason I believe The Slums should be included in the literary canon is Because this book has a lot of action in it. For example in the book Slay (one of the main characters) was shot during a drug deal. Another example is while Slay was in the hospital Slay’s mom died. My last example is After Slay got out of the hospital he went to shot Lee because Lee is the one who shot him.

The second reason is The Slums is a good book is because it is filled with plot twists. In the book Lee shots Slay sty a drug deal but, the plot twist is Lee and Slay are half brothers. Another example of the many plot twist is when Slay shots Lee you think he dies but actually he's just out of state. My finally example is Lee is out of state on a drug deal run.

The final reason is this book is good is because it is very dramatic. One example is when Slay meets Lee at Slay’s mom’s funeral. For another example Slay tells Lee “I killed one of your men.” For my final  example Slay meets his dad for the first time.

As you can see, The Slums is deserving of the literary canon because its filled with action and drama and has plot twists everywhere. The Slums is just a great book in general.

I hope that you will consider this choice for the literary canon. Thank you very much.



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