The Witch and Wizard by James Patterson | Teen Ink

The Witch and Wizard by James Patterson

September 4, 2013
By 6666666 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
6666666 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
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The Witch and Wizard

By James Patterson
The author of “The Witch and Wizard” is James Patterson. James Patterson has written other books such as “Alex Cross” and the hit series “Maximum Ride.” He has won a Children’s Choice Award and been nominated for many other honors. In addition being a writer, he also is an active member of charities that encourage reading in young kids and teens. Currently he is the bestselling young adults author. James Patterson is best known for his thrillers and his creativity.

“The Witch and Wizard” takes place in a fictitious world that has many dimensions; however the most important place is called the Overworld. The main characters in the book are Whit and Whisty Allgood. The problems begin one night when they are awoken by soldiers of the N.O. (the New Order is a political party that just took over). They are inhumanely captured and accused of being a witch and wizard. The teenagers were never told about their magical gifts, but according to the laws they could each take something, so their parents give them a drumstick and a blank book. Whit and Whisty are taken to an N.O. prison t await an unfair trail with many other kids.

They learn about their captors and begin to discover their powers as a witch and wizard. They learn about how and why the N.O. is taking children, but they are still curious. Amidst their inquiries they are taken to an asylum to reform them and turn them into New Order slaves. There they discover their true powers, but not how to control them. Still they are confronted by questions such as; why didn’t their parents say anything? Or, How do we escape, and if we did where’d we go? All of their questions will be answered but only with a heavy cost.

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