Cloaked by Alex Flinn | Teen Ink

Cloaked by Alex Flinn

December 18, 2012
By KeelyShae308 BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
KeelyShae308 BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I really enjoyed reading this book. It’s a perfect mix of a fairytale and modern day love story. It will keep you reading all night if you let it. There was never a moment wasn't’t engaged. Johnny is a shoemaker, from an extremely poor family. However, this all changes when a princess comes to town. Johnny is instantly interested in her. He was constantly complaining about how his life was boring, and how all he ever does is sit around and repair shoes. But little did he know, his boring life was about to become a lot more interesting. In a matter of days he would be on a mission through the everglades to find a frog, with only the help of a talking fox named Joe and A flock of swans to help him fight the power of the evil witch. I would highly recommend this book. No matter how old you are, you are never too old for a fairytale. Johnny is asked to marry the princess. But he kind of has his eyes on the girl next door. The princess has money, and beauty .However the other girl has been there throughout his whole journey to help him out. So what do you think? Will Johnny marry the princess, or settle down with the girl who has been there for him all along? I guess you’re just going to have to wait and see.

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