Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli | Teen Ink

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli

January 12, 2012
By Morgan Lancaster BRONZE, Wellsburg, West Virginia
Morgan Lancaster BRONZE, Wellsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli is a novel of historical fiction set in Warsaw, Poland during WWII. The main theme is good versus evil throughout the story, where the Nazis put Jews in the ghetto and later on into concentration camps.

Milkweed is about a young boy named Misha who came to Warsaw knowing not a thing, not his name, where he came from, his parents, his age, or even where he was born. As he comes into Warsaw he meets a boy with red hair named Uri. Uri is tall, red hair, a Jew, and an orphan. Unlike Uri Misha is not a Jew he is a Gypsy. As Misha is with Uri he meets a brown haired girl named Janina. She is nice to Misha and invites him to her 7th birthday party. They become very good friends. When Uri takes Misha for a walk he meets Dr. Korczak and the orphans. When they were being forced into the Ghetto Misha runs into Janina and her family. Her father likes Misha and takes him in as a son but Janina’s mother does not. Living in the ghetto is harsh. There is not a lot of food and water so it was a struggle. Soon after they were forced into the ghetto trains started to come. Janina liked the trains. She would go look at them every night they went out. Soon they started to load thousands of Jews onto the trains every day by day street by street. Soon almost all were gone.

This book is very good you can learn from it and it is very memorable because of the things that had happened in Warsaw, Poland. I learned that all the stuff they did reflected on the things we do today. I think that everyone should read this book to lean in what really happened to the Jews in WWII.


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