The Seer and the Sword | Teen Ink

The Seer and the Sword

November 7, 2007
By Anonymous

The Seer and the Sword - Victoria Hanley

The Seer and the Sword is a wonderful book that kept me reading into the wee hours of the morning.
At first when I picked it up, I didn't know what to expect. I had heard it was good and needed a book to read. As I read through the pages, it interested me more and more. When I finished, I declaired it as one of the best books I have ever read.
I won't name the details because there's so much to explain, but I will say that I highly recommend this book to anyone who even likes fantasy. You won't regret any it at all.

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This article has 9 comments.

on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:24 pm
ChuckyChuckyChucky, Las Angeles, California
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Heros come and go but legends are forever

oh my omg shut up you dweedy bad boy

lil_jay said...
on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:24 pm
lil_jay, Las Vegas, Nevada
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
get off your a** and get money

lol my dude OMG!!!!!!!ur so hella funny

dennisovich said...
on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:24 pm
dennisovich, Grassy Lake, Alberta
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
if u need money get off ur a** and get a job

hey chucky are u like omg doll or what like omg

on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:22 pm
a_dot_and_a_penny, Grassy Lake, Alberta
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanted to talk about it. Damn it. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout about it. but all I could do was whisper, "I'm fine."

- unknown

wow, that's a new low lil_jay

on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:22 pm
ChuckyChuckyChucky, Las Angeles, California
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Heros come and go but legends are forever

lol like omg youre so funny lil jay

lil_jay said...
on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:22 pm
lil_jay, Las Vegas, Nevada
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
get off your a** and get money

hi dennisoshit

dennisovich said...
on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:20 pm
dennisovich, Grassy Lake, Alberta
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
if u need money get off ur a** and get a job

hi lil jay

on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:20 pm
a_dot_and_a_penny, Grassy Lake, Alberta
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanted to talk about it. Damn it. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout about it. but all I could do was whisper, "I'm fine."

- unknown


lil_jay said...
on Nov. 14 2019 at 1:19 pm
lil_jay, Las Vegas, Nevada
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
get off your a** and get money

hey wats up