P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han | Teen Ink

P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han

June 22, 2019
By Akshata GOLD, Nashik, Other
Akshata GOLD, Nashik, Other
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The sequel to all the boys i've loved before is P.S I still love you .The book begins with the sweet letter that Lara Jean writes to Peter k and one day he snatches it out of her hand and reads it and within few days they get back together again. Josh tries hard to get to confess Lara Jean that she loves him too and Margot hears it all which creates a little distance betweeen the two sisters. A lot of issues happen with Peter k and Lara Jean too because of Genevive ( Peters ex girlfriend)

The next book is the conclusion to all the boys series Always and Forever -Lara Jean. In this book many things come to a beautiful end .Things between Margot and Lara Jean comes back to normal again. Josh gets a new  girlfriend and Lara Jean's father gets married to the woman he had been dating from the past few months and the sweet couple that was once pretending to date are now really trully in love with each other .This book is truly a piece of art in its own sense. The autors style of writing creates a vivid picture of the exact situation in the readers mind .Unlimited use of imagination can be seen in every single detail which makes it all feel much more alive. Lara Jean's story and the thoughts that goes through her mind are relatable to many teen girls out there. As far as im concerned this book is a must read on every tenagers booklist. It is definitely worth giving a shot!!! I'll bring you the reviews of more such amazing  teen novels,

till then goodbye

and remember to do two of the most important things in life

no1. A good deed

no2.  A good read 

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