The House on Mango Street | Teen Ink

The House on Mango Street

February 14, 2019
By Anonymous

This review is going to be about the book of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cinceros. The novel is about the life of Esperanza,  a girl who is 12. She goes from living in a apartment to moving to a house that her family owns in Chicago. I personally think the house on mango street is a good book to read. The overall message to it can be relatable to many readers.  Throughout the book she grows mentally and physically. As time goes by she begins writing as a way to express herself. And escape the reality of her neighborhood that she's not to happy with. Esperanza is a really friendly girl who moved into Mango street. She quickly becomes friends with Rachel and lucy, two sisters that live across the street from her.  As in further more in the book Esperanza is growing up and gets a sudden interest in boys noticing her. That's when she becomes friends with a girl named sally. Who's a bit more mature than Esperanza and her friends. Sally uses guys to escape her abusive father.  Soon enough Esperanza is ready to leave Mango street. She wants to get away from her sad red house. She understands that writing might be her way out of mango street. The overall message is relatable, everyone has all been in situations when we were the new kid or just didn't like the neighborhood and dream the day we get to leave. I think this book is a good one to read for young kids to read just to know what puberty can do to you, and how it can make you feel.


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