The Naughtiest Girl By Enid Blyton | Teen Ink

The Naughtiest Girl By Enid Blyton

January 11, 2019
By astitvalc BRONZE, Pune, Other
astitvalc BRONZE, Pune, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       I have read this book and many other books written by you at Astitva Learning  Centre. I like reading your books. I have written this postcard to you because I wanted to give feedback upon this book.  

        I liked this book because of many reasons one of them is genre of the book is fiction and I like reading books which are fiction. Other reason is that I liked actions and behaviour of the characters like Elizabeth and Patrick competing against each other in studies(exam).  The book tells us about friendship and it makes me laugh because of funny tricks used by Patrick like bell in the chimney, putting sneezing in the book pages etc.

        There were many events and surprises in this book, one of the interesting events wasthat when Patrick and Elizabeth were competing to get top rank in the class. There were some events which surprised me like Patrick becomes friend of Elizabeth because I never thought that Patrick and Elizabeth becoming friends. Patrick used many tricks like bell in the chimney, putting sneezing powder in book pages these events made me laugh a lot.  

        I want to thank you for writing this book . I want to appreciate you because you  thought about reader's vocabulary and wrote this book  specifically for children and  as well as genre of the text. And I am glad to tell you that you are one of my favourite author because you are one of the authors of olden days. Other reason is that you are one of the authors which are from out of subcontinent countries like England which wrote books of easy vocabulary.

       I think that other children and children who want to become children's author should obviously read the books written by you because of children's literature and how you changed the plot , climax and anti-climax of the story like Patrick and Elizabeth becoming friends and forgiving each other. Children get to know about the literature used and literature techniques to used in the book. Because of books like 'FAMOUS FIVE' and 'THE NAUGHTIEST GIRL' series it has inspired me and many others who have read your books. Your books are that books that reader can't predict what will happen next.  I am telling this because I read this book and I predicted what will happen and it got wrong.  I have commonly noticed that every character have its own ideas and opinions that's why no one can predict what will happen next in the chapter, book, and series. And that is one of the reason why you are one of my favourite author.

        From my point of view I think no one can get bored or sleepy while there is no illustrations also. I think you have written this book to read when a person is bored or is in stress.

The author's comments:

I am Yogesh studying in 7th std, and I have addressed this review to Enid Blyton.

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