Him | Teen Ink


May 28, 2009
By RainWashed PLATINUM, Park City, Utah
RainWashed PLATINUM, Park City, Utah
46 articles 1 photo 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Repeat the good and the bad. Do it all again. And pile on the years."

You cry,
He’s always there.

You shout,
He’s always there.

You scream,
He’s still there.

You hit and kick and punch,
He takes the blows.

You tell him your darkest secrets,
He doesn’t make a sound.

You tell him your angry,
He just looks at you with admiration.

You tell him you’ve never met anyone who understood you so well,
He utters a whine telling you the same thing back.

When you cry again he cuddles close to you.
You look down and see a tear slide off his cheek.

You squeeze him harder,
Hanging on to him.

He loves you,
And you love him.

He’s your dog,
And you’re his master.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 24 2009 at 7:46 pm
LoveLikeWoe DIAMOND, LeSueur, MN, Minnesota
54 articles 2 photos 748 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whoever laughs first has the sickest mind.

sad! But i liked it.