Non-Global Privilege | Teen Ink

Non-Global Privilege

July 24, 2022
By joanna_k_0830 BRONZE, Latham, New York
joanna_k_0830 BRONZE, Latham, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Worldwide, we are informed about people in urgent need of household supplies, comestibles, and replenishments. But do we really comprehend the critical issues, such as the shortage of resources and opportunities to expand education? If these countries weren’t in the media publicly, would their calls for help still be heard by us?

Although we might inform people in the world about these underprivileged countries’ issues, we are struggling to help. I believe that it is time for a change in our mindset. We actually have organizations in the world that provide a lot of great platforms for us to offer help. For example, well-known organizations such as WE Charity, Who We Are, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and hospitals, such as St. Jude and St. Peter's, dedicatedly aid underprivileged people in the world. These organizations are determined to make efficient changes in the world by offering medical, economic, educational, and humanitarian services.

Furthermore, online resources and the media are crucial in the process of creating solutions. News outlets, such as CNN, NY Times, and Washington Post, all aid in spreading the word about crises. These resources inform people about important issues, leading to open-minded discussions on the crises. The sources deliver news about various topics worldwide, keeping many people updated on recent reports. With this kind of essential information shared, there is an increasing chance of raising awareness and finding solutions.

    Privilege, such as wealth and education equality, only belongs to people that are in a special type of social class. Not everyone in the world is lucky enough to be part of it or have any control over it. Many people may not even notice they have so many advantages until they start to educate themselves about the existence of their privilege, or they lose their privilege suddenly. Most will not realize how pleasant their life has been until unfavorable circumstances happen. Therefore, online resources and world news are good mediums for people to realize how fortunate they are and what they can do to create a mode of equality in the social system.

          Though creating solutions to these mass problems seems tough, there are simple ways to help. The classic solution is donating. Many locations sponsor these charities, and even a small sum can make a huge impact on someone’s life. As shown above, St. Jude and St. Peter’s bring the donation money and their quality service straight to low and no-income citizens, solving health and economic issues. Alternative solutions include volunteering or serving in food kitchens, sorting and distributing clothes, and offering educational services for children and young adults. Citizens can also aid in the relief of these difficulties by raising awareness in their communities and keeping everyone informed and updated on present-life crises. 

    There are a lot of nonprofit organizations and volunteer organizations that are constantly dealing with these unfortunate situations. There are also many people around the world who could help achieve more. As seen previously, the value of privilege is only seen when it’s removed from a person. So we must be grateful for our situation, and help others in the meantime. The actions we take can have a tremendous impact on our lives and other people’s lives.

The author's comments:

This piece was created on a personal interest, to make a realization to the modern world.

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Afra ELITE said...
on Aug. 11 2022 at 2:37 pm
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