Money Down the Pump | Teen Ink

Money Down the Pump

February 17, 2009
By Andrea Allen BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
Andrea Allen BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

John was standing there in the cold gasing up his new 2009 Dodge Ram 2500 pick up truck. When he was done, he looked up and saw the total of the gas price, it was over $100! He was shocked at how much he had just spent so he can put gas in his truck. There are others like John who spent the same amount or more in rural Alaska. At times like this people wish gas prices were lower.

One reason why gas prices should be lowered is because if they are, other costs of other things will be, too. Like for example, stove oil, right now is expensive. The average cost from some places for 100 gallons is $603. If prices of gas were lowered, this would be, too. Another reason that gas prices should be lowered, is that people will save more money. The usual cost to gas up a car is around $70 or more. If it were around $1.50 a gallon, it would cost around $40. The total of the savings would be thirty dollars. Someone could use that money for something they need. Which brings me to my other reason why gas prices should be lowered. People will have enough money for food, clothing, bills, and family outings.

Saving money on gas will help everybody with everything. They will be able to go hunting, fishing, and traveling even more. Also it would help shopping, things will cost less and you will have more money to get things you need.


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