The long fight for love | Teen Ink

The long fight for love

December 18, 2019
By Anonymous

Back in California, a girl named Cheryl is just about to start her senior year. She is currently 17 and has a boyfriend named Liam. She has been dating him for about three years now. As the summer has blown by, she is about to start her senior year as well as is Liam. They both are ready to start their final year at Snow High School. As she is getting ready for her first day, Liam comes over to pick her up for school and brings her flowers. She started smiling and said, “This is about to be one amazing day.” 

As they both head to school, they listen to their favorite songs and get breakfast before they start their first day of school. They also had to take Cheryl’s younger brother Mark to school as well because he was starting his sophomore year. Cheryl always has to check on him in school because he has really rare heart disease. As they all walk into, a girl named Mikayla came up to them and said: “haha losers.” Cheryl got so mad she wanted to do something but Liam held her back. They all walk together to class and Cheryl makes sure her brother is well taken care of before she goes to class.

Both Cheryl and Liam were walking to their first-period class. All a sudden Cheryl got a random call. She picks up her phone and says “Hello?” They answer saying “Hi, are you, Cheryl?” Cheryl said “Yes.” The doctors were on the phone telling her that her brother needs to be taken to the hospital immediately. Cheryl runs to her brother's class and takes him to the doctors as soon as she possibly can. She knew it could be his one and only chance to get a heart transplant. 

Liam and I had to hurry and take Mark to his special doctor. So, we called my parents and told them to hurry because they said they have a transplant waiting for him. They all went to the hospital and he finally went in for surgery and everyone was nervous. But hours went by, and he was finally done with surgery. He was going to be just fine, thankfully. 

Liam and I decided to head home because we were so tired from the crazy first day we have had. We both get ready for bed and just lay in bed thinking of how lucky we are. We also share our favorite memories of us and just have a good conversation before going to bed. Liam stays with us because his mother passed away and his father just treats him awful. He is 18 so he is allowed to live wherever he wants without his parent's consent. 

Cheryl finally starts track for her last year. She is trying to beat the school record. Liam decided to surprise her at her track meet but that wasn’t the only surprise He told her after the meet to meet him at the beach. He set up candles and put flower petals all over the ground and got a poster saying “Will you go on a magical trip to prom with me?” Cheryl started crying and said “OMG YES OF COURSE.” They both hugged and spend the night looking at the stars on the beach. 

The next day, Cheryl had a track meet and to make sure her brother was well taken care of. The school day was finally over and Cheryl got ready for the track meet. Cheryl ran the 400X800. She was up to the race and she started shaking and getting all nervous. The shot from the gun at the starting line went off and they started to run. As she was running on the final lap, she fell and tripped and hit her head on the ground pretty hard. They had the trainers out and checking to see if she was okay. She was life-flighted to the nearest hospital and figure out what exactly wrong. She hasn’t woken up since the race and her family and her boyfriend are all worried. The doctors finally came into the room and told them that she may not be up for a few days because she has serious brain damage. 

After being in the hospital, Cheryl finally woke up but she had no idea who anyone was. Not only that but during her time in the hospital her brother passed away and she had no idea who he was so she couldn’t feel bad. Her whole family was all upset and trying to figure out everything. Liam said, “Hey, I have an idea on how we can work on getting her memory back.” Her parents said “Yes? What is it, Liam?” Liam said, “Why don’t I work with her with her memory and you guys figure out the funeral and getting things together.” They said “OMG that is an amazing idea! Thank you so much for helping us out Liam!” 

They all go there different ways to help things go by faster and also to work on getting Cheryl’s memory back. He spent days on days working with Cheryl to help her remember. Cheryl’s parents finally got everything together and they were ready to take Cheryl home. Cheryl finally got a lot of her memory back and she felt just like she used to. Liam, I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me to help me get my memory back. Said Cheryl. Liam said “Of course my love. I wanted to make sure you got better.” Everything finally got back to normal and things turned around a lot. Yes, they had to attend her brother's funeral, which she was very upset about. The days went on. Both Liam and Cheryl graduated and both are getting ready to enjoy their summer and then head to college. 

The author's comments:

It is an romatic piece that has some sad parts to it.

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