Green Lantern | Teen Ink

Green Lantern

May 19, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 Green Lantern is a movie based off of the DC superhero character, Green Lantern, who's real name is Hal Jordan. Hal Jordan's character is a complicated one, and thus this movie did not live up to expectations. 

 In this movie, these heroes called the Green Lantern Corps swear to dedicate themselves to protecting the universe. They have never had a human join, but when Hal Jordan joins as the first human ever, played by Ryan Reynolds, he is discarded at first. But soon, Jordan might be the key to saving the entire world. 

 This movie was very confusing, and just not well done. One of the WORST superhero movies to ever be made, this movie sets the bar for making a horrible movie. The whole power of the Green Lanters, through their rings, is somewhat confusing, and difficult to show through a screen. This is probably the cause of why this movie turned out horribly, but Warner Bro. Studios is trying to make a new Green Lantern movie, so will see. But this Green Lantern movie definitely did not live up anywhere need expectations. 

The author's comments:

Hal Jordan becomes the first human to join the Green Lantern corps. 


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