Mamma Mia | Teen Ink

Mamma Mia

November 16, 2016
By buhot BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
buhot BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mamma Mia, a film adaptation off of the broadway musical, is a fantastic mix of music and laughter that will make little girls dream and won't disappoint broadway enthusiasts.

The movie is set in a remote island off of Greece and stars Sophie Sheridan (Amanda Seyfried), a 20 year old girl about to get married, Donna Sheridan (Meryl Streep), Sophie's mother who raised her alone not knowing who the father is, and Sam Carmichael (Pierce Brosnan), Harry Bright (Colin Firth), and Bill Anderson (Stellan Skarsgard), all playing the prospective fathers. The story follows the two perspectives of Sophie and Donna as they deal with the repercussions of having three men all thinking they are the father to the same girl.

As the three potential fathers grapple with the idea of a daughter, the tension is high between Sophie and Donna as they refuse to tell each other what they know, and in the midst of it all, they sing. The melodious songs from the group ABBA brings content to anyone hearing them and makes you feel like you are the “Dancing Queen”.
Although the movie is different, the storyline is the same as the broadway musical Mamma Mia thus transferring the stage magic and expanding it, making it easier on the viewer to imagine it.

Although their slow-motion effect seems outdated now, the movie is an absolute success, especially with the scenery. With the lush forests mixed with the crystal blue waters of the ocean, one look and you'll wish you were laying on the bright beachest. The everlasting sun that can only be experienced outside of New Hampshire can make anyone crave that Greek effect, which contributes immensely to the absolute success of this musical.

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