Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

December 10, 2014
By Devez BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Devez BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“It takes ten times as long to put yourself back together than it is to fall apart” by Suzanne Collins. This quote said by Suzanne Collins relates to the book and the movie Mockingjay, because putting a story together is hard but really easy to tell the whole story in one scene. I really enjoyed this story. Especially because everything is less depressing and there is more action.
In my opinion I actually like the book better than the movie. This reason is because the movie doesn?t give a lot of detail about what was going on. Also because the movie you arn?t allowed to stop and do more productive things. Although that the movie fun and cool, reading the book is better because it improves your vocabulary and comprehension.
My opinion on the placement of the movie was not what I would have expected. I expected it to be like the last two, emotional or a happy ending. This is because I wish it just played both parts of the movies in one. This is because the placement of the ending was right when the started heating up and getting interesting. Although the book has three parts but in one book, im glad that there are only gonna be two movies.
The way that I imagined the story in my head from reading the book was very different. Some things were I thought that the lather bow that she had would have been more high tech. Also if i?m right in the book it said that Gale and Katniss both shot down one or two planes in district Eight. Some other things is that I thought Boggs was a short, chubby, white male. Same with Commander Paylor.
The main characters have changed a lot since the Quarter Quell. For instance Katniss looks exhausted. Haymitch is sober. Effie look like how I imagined president Coin. Finnick looks shocked. Joane is bald, and finally Peeta looks stoned and abused.
Although the movie wasn?t as interesting as the book, I had many favorite parts. One is when the lubers climbed up the trees and blew up the peace keeper. Another one is when they blew up the drain. Lastly is when they were in district eight. I like how they were running and coincidently get separated from the group to take down the planes. Also because the message she gave was very good and strong.

Works Cited
Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York: Scholastic, 2010. Print.


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