Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Mocking Jay by Suzanne Collins

December 8, 2014
By ChiantiKiki BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
ChiantiKiki BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again.” Katniss, the girl on fire, survived two hunger games so far, but on the latest one, many horrific things happened. Peeta, Annie, Enobaria, and Johanna were captured, and Katniss shooting an arrow to the top of the dome shut down the system. Luckily, Katniss was saved, which was the plan all along, but after visiting District 12, Katniss has no where to go because it was destroyed. She then finds out that District 13 is still living, but surprisingly underground. Staying in District 13 with her family and other members of the district, everyone decides on what they can do to rebel against the capital. They then decide that Katniss should become the face of all the districts. Katniss is now known as the Mocking jay, the one who survived. The symbol of Rebellion.
To me I think the book is better than the movie because the book provides more information and there were more events in the book than the movie. It was many differences between the book and movie that made me like the book better. One difference I could make between the book and movie is the daily-schedule that Katniss got everyday. In the movie, Katniss didn‘t get these schedules tattooed on her arm at all. They also didn‘t include Enobaria who was stated in the book. Another difference was Katniss‘s bow she received from Beetee. In the book it told that the bow recalled her voice, but in the movie the bow didn‘t. These are just some differences from the movie and book. About the actor choice, I think most of the actors weren‘t how I pictured them in the book. I think that the only characters that matched how I pictured in the book were Boggs and Buttercup. The Characters such as Cressida, Coin, and Annie were the characters that I didn‘t picture when reading the book. The ending spot was disappointing, but it tempted me to want to watch the next movie.
In closing, I think the movie could‘ve been better by following the book more.  I wish that the producer of the movie made the characters more related to how they were described in the book, and added more story events that were also in the book. I would recommend reading the book before the movie because you could visualize what the movie should be like and even if the movie is a disappointment or aren’t as good as you thought, at least you‘ll already know what is supposed to happen. Just like how the movie didn't turn out how I wanted it to, “May the Odds be ever in your favor?”


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