Cherub: The Dealer by Robert Muchamore | Teen Ink

Cherub: The Dealer by Robert Muchamore

December 1, 2014
By xPanda BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
xPanda BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
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The Dealer is one of the best follow-up books I have read. Action, adventure, suspense, and characters who are adolescents all in one book! The Dealer kept me on edge, wondering what would happen next in the amazingly written book. Although it's a short read ( 200-300 pages), The Dealer is a good suggestion for anyone who likes the idea of adolescent spies. This book tells the story of James's second mission as a Cherub agent.
"Stuck between a rock and hard place, instead of calling the police James lunges at one of the burglars avoiding the barrel aimed at him”. This is how the missions usually go for  15 year old, Cherub Agent, James Adams,which leaves you wondering how James can even ended up in a situation where he and burglars are in a drug lord’s living room. James Adams, is a kid who is the son of an obese mob-mother. One night, he has a huge fight with her and she stops breathing and dies. Soon after finding out about her death, kids from Cherub, the program of highly trained spy kids, ask him and his sister to give up their current lives and help their agency catch crooks, drug lords, and terrorists that still run free.
Robert Muchamore is an uncommon author because he writes books about kids being spies.  His books are all very detailed and focus on the exploits of James and his sister,  making it interesting to read. Although the author includes some  action scenes, he definitely builds in more than enough suspense, so when action does occur, you are ready. Robert Muchamore writes immensely interesting books, and this is the best one I've read yet!  I'm really into books that have plenty of action, adventure, and thrills. The book series, Cherub Missions, is perfect blend of what I am looking for. Although I don’t live the everyday spy life of traveling and busting bad guys, its fun to  read about their adventures and struggles, an I'd suggest you read it too.


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