Unwind by Neal Shusterman | Teen Ink

Unwind by Neal Shusterman

May 8, 2014
By kilyegan BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
kilyegan BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Unwind is a reading adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Not only is it thrilling and exciting, it also teaches lessons along the way. It’s a crazy roller coaster ride that you can’t get off. This book teaches lessons about fighting for your life, knowing who your true friends are, and being yourself through it all. Unwind is great for teens and young adults who love scary, dark, and crazy quests.

Unwind is about three AWOL unwinds. These three teens are being sent to be unwound. Unwinding is the process where people take your body parts and use them as transplants for others. Unwinding ensures that the child's life doesn’t “technically” end by transplanting all the organs in the child's body to various recipients. They are learning different lessons along the way as they run to see if they have to meet their untimely ends.

The book Unwind is exciting to read because of its twists, turns, and theme. Unwind never gets boring. It flows and surprises you always. The author changes the point of view to show different feelings and the thrill of each and every moment. Different points of view show different character’s lessons they must learn in order to live and be happy. The main theme of this book is to fight for your life. The suspense is never ending. This book will make you smile, cry, and scream. The three unwinds will do whatever it takes to survive. It is filled with surprises and scary moments that will keep you wanting to read for hours.

When you are reading this book, you will learn very important lessons through it all. After I read the book Unwind, I realized how important it is to fight till the end for your life. Never give up on yourself. Stay strong and always want to live. You only get to live once. This book will make teens think about the importance of life and its greatest values.

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