Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins | Teen Ink

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

March 14, 2014
By LoganOP BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
LoganOP BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
When life gives you lemons but no water and sugar your lemonade is gonna suck-Myself 2013

In the book Catching Fire was published June 4th 2013. Catching fire is about a girl Katniss Everdeen who lives off in District 12 with very little until she wins The Hunger Games. From then she in world renown as the one and only girl to defy the capitol and get away with it. With her Impulsive decisions she saves many including her self and the other main character, Peeta Mellark. When this thrilling book kicks off it shows Katniss and her sage like mother in her new house where they are much better off. The first 100 or so pages of this book are not exciting at all but just tons of Katniss everywhere and she is choosing between Gale and Peeta.

The main plot if the story is that the capitol is furious with Katniss and how she acted during the games, The Hunger Games, so they make a idea to put her back into the monstrosities of the games and rid her of her life. The main character from the Hunger games are Katniss,Peeta,Gale and Finnick all important to this plot. These characters all helped Katniss the entire story revolves around her, Peeta is her lover, Gale want Katniss and deserves her, and Finnick is there to keep Peeta and Katniss alive. All the character main problem is the capital if they do not perform to their standards they will all be murdered but they all want to rebel and make a run for it. My personal favorite character is Finnick because he is never trusted but is always looking out for them and is always throwing the plot a curve ball.

I personally can relate to very few of the characters in the story one of them is Finnick because i've had people not trust me for no reason even when i'm trying to help.

In my opinion the book was great but had no way to catch the readers attention unless u go to page 150 when things get fun. My favorite part of the book is the moment where Katniss realizes she can use the arena against itself and break the force field and save herself. Thus sending the game off and rebel against the capital. I wish to change one thing is to make some more interaction in the first 150 pages and actually get some conflict before half the book is over.

I would recommend to give this book to someone between 7-9 grade years for its writing is not the highest level. If you like love and action twist this book will be perfect for you and you couldn't pick anything more perfect. If you love Comedy this book makes almost no jokes not the book for you.

The author's comments:
I love minecraft im 14 and hope to live out of my house recording youtube videos.


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