Laced | Teen Ink


December 20, 2012
By Kshaffer520 BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
Kshaffer520 BRONZE, Elkview, West Virginia
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Laced by Carol Higgins Clark is a suspenseful thriller that will keep you wanting to read more. It is the type of book that when you start reading you can’t put it down. From the crimes to the suspicious characters you will get lost in this book. The close calls of catching the thieves and solving the mystery will keep your blood rushing. You may recognize the two main characters from other Regan Reilly Mysteries, and if you have read any of them you will know to expect a wonderful book full of twists and turns. The author made a good choice of making up a character like Regan Reilly, someone smart and that can make different assumptions out of a problem and solve it with as little evidence. In Laced it starts off as a relaxing honeymoon of the newlyweds Regan and Jack Reilly (Who are both investigators of the N.Y.P.D) and by the time night has fallen their plans take a ninety-degree-turn into a police investigation. The question is will Regan and Jack catch the thieves or will the thieves catch them? You will find out within the pages of this bestselling book. I would also like to recommend Wrecked, another Regan Reilly Mystery by Carol Higgins Clark.


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