.Gone. by Michael Grant | Teen Ink

.Gone. by Michael Grant

May 31, 2012
By Vannillawafer BRONZE, Lincoln, California
Vannillawafer BRONZE, Lincoln, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trapped in a box, I'm not alone. I know many other with a box as their home and light only enters from a crack or a hole. This isn't enough for a human to grow.

Gone by Michael Grant

Gone, written by Michael Grant is an intense, science fiction story, although it has many predictable elements. What keep your eyes glued to the book are the exciting aspects that twist the story in unexpecting ways. Even though at times the story can be dragged out with over description, the element of surprise in other parts of the book surely makes up for it.

This story is like a Stephan King version of Lord of the Flies. When all adults fourteen and older disappear, the children left flip out. While some kids are smart enough to realize that order is needed and begin to help little ones and take charge, others cause complete chaos. What also doesn’t help is a band of punks who wish to take over the remaining kids and rule by force. Power seems to be what all are seeking, especially when some of the children start to mutate, wishing to influence the town with their newly found powers. But all chaos seems to die down when a group of kids from a private school arrive, bringing order with them, although people suspect secrets are being kept. It’s a series of unfortunate events when a huge dome is discovered to surround the town. Is it the end of civilization for these kids? Will everything collapse over itself? Are secrets really being held?

Gone is a suspenseful, fun story to read, and while not being a great literary work, I recommend it to fans of science fiction.


This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 10 2015 at 1:56 pm
SomeoneMagical PLATINUM, Durham, New Hampshire
22 articles 1 photo 259 comments
This is a very good review that I agree with--Gone stuck with me long after the ending. Happy reading!