Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler | Teen Ink

Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler

January 22, 2012
By shmam7624 SILVER, Evansville, Wisconsin
shmam7624 SILVER, Evansville, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
We must become the change we want to see<br /> -Mahatma Gandhi

You either have the feeling or you don't. Min, short for Minerva, was different. She wasn't artsy like they said and she definitely wasn't like any of Ed Slaterton's other girlfriends. Ed, the co-captain of the basketball team, had more to him than what met the eye, both good and bad. And Min fell for him, hard.

So Min writes a letter to Ed to go along with a box full of his stuff explaining why they broke up. This novel is great for reading any time of the day. Although a little slow in some spots, when it gets going you can't put it down!

Min's best friend, Al, has no opinion of Ed. He doesn't have an opinion for a lot of things , really. Al always seems to save the day but his and Min's friendship was almost stomped on by Ed Slaterton, whom Min was helplessly in love with.

I really enjoyed this book because it put me right where they were in the story. I felt what they felt. I saw what they saw. And I hoped for Min and Ed's relationship right down to the last couple pages.

"I gave you an adventure, Ed, right in front of you but you never saw it until I showed you, and that's why we broke up."


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