Twilight by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

April 23, 2008
By Anonymous

When Bella's mother remarried, she decides to move in with her father Charlie in the small town of Forks where in rains almost all the time, a change from her sunny home in Arizona. With danger's strange allure to her, Bella not only met a strange and gorgeous group of siblings who just so happen to be Vampires. She also fell in love with one of them. His name is Edward Cullen, and he has long sworn off human blood he still has troubles controlling his blood lust especially since it's purely by will power. But this is not the case with all vampires, so when a group of tracker vampires decide Bella is their next prey, it leaves the Cullen's to desperately try to protect the fragile human friend and her family.

When I first heard of Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, I thought it would be just like any other cheesy fantasy story, to my relief this book was not the case. The reader is sucked it to the perfect mix of action, drama, and comedy and romance between a teenage mortal and her Vampire boyfriend.


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