Just Listen by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

October 7, 2010
By Anonymous

Are you the type of person that is too afraid to speak up? Then Just Listen is the book for you. From all of the modeling photos you see of Annabel Greene, you would think she was living the most perfect life. But if you were thinking this, you would be wrong. Annabel is always to afraid to tell her opinion. After the loss of all her friends, Annabel is left with no one, but when she meets Owen Armstrong, everything changes. Owen is considered the scariest guy in school, he’s big, music obsessed, and insanely opinionated. Once Annabel starts spending all her spare time with Owen, she realizes that she too can speak up and voice her opinion. Annabel finds that then person she was is far different from the one she becomes.

I was actually not every fond of this book. I felt like at some points it was boring and felt like it kept dragging on. I felt like the book was a little too long with not enough exciting things to keep it going. Although I wasn’t very fond of it, there was one thing I did like about this book. I did like the message that the author of the book was trying to send in the writing of this book. The author was trying to tell people its okay to speak up and its okay to have and voice an opinion. The author was also trying to send that if you speak up, someone will listen. I think that someone who needs to be more courageous and are too afraid to speak out would like this book a lot.

The author's comments:
I hope people will decide whether or not they want to read this book.


This article has 1 comment.

.sunshine. said...
on Oct. 24 2010 at 2:58 pm
Just Listen is a good book. Your review was nice.