The Interperter of Maladies: Mr. Kapasi Analysis | Teen Ink

The Interperter of Maladies: Mr. Kapasi Analysis

February 17, 2022
By FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
FeLiX_yU SILVER, Irvine, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Mr. Kapasi, an interpreter who feels his life is a failure. Fantasizing his romance with Mrs. Das, which reveals how loney and bad his married life has become. His marriage is not going well because his wife’s grief and sadness after the death of their son and him, Mr. Kapasi, is working for the very doctor that could not save their son. Furthermore, Mr. Kapasi’s career is far less than what he dreamt it to be. His knowledge of English could only be used in the most basic way of being an interpreter and introducing famous places in India. Mr. Kapasi who dreams for Mrs. Das and see her as a kindred of also involving in a loveless failure marriage. However, when Mrs. Das revealed her true nature, Mr. Kapasi starts to loathe her. This teaches us a lesson that when one dreams of someone, one often dreams of their love as perfect and how one wants to be like. However, when one comes into realization of their true nature, one often gets discouraged and may even loathe the other for not being perfect and how they wanted them to be.

    Mr. Kapasi has the jobs of being a tour guide and an interpreter for doctors which are not what he have dreamt about. However, Mrs. Das helps him view both his job as a vacation and his job as a tour guide and romantic interpreter which ends up in failure.

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