The Sun is Also a Star - Book review by: Taylor Kennedy | Teen Ink

The Sun is Also a Star - Book review by: Taylor Kennedy

June 20, 2018
By Taylor.kennedy BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
Taylor.kennedy BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
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A complicated love story. “The Sun is Also a Star” tells a powerful story about a girl named Natasha, and a boy named Daniel, they both have very different pasts, but when they meet their whole world changes in a single day. Natasha finds out something life changing that could affect their future together, but Daniel is relentless to keep them together. I loved this book because it inspires you to be brave as well as to take chances. The changes in the characters throughout the book help you understand what they are feeling and connect with them. This book can change your mind about people. Nicola Yoon also wrote “Everything, Everything” and she is working on a new book too. She writes in a way that connects the readers to the story and makes you feel like the characters problems are yours.

If you like love stories and you want a good novel to read, “the Sun is Also a Star” is a good choice. Not only that but anything that Yoon writes is the same style of writing and is perfect for readers who like that genre. Yoon writes from her heart and about events in her own life which makes the stories better, more alive. This book is about taking chances so I would definitely take a chance on reading it.


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