Longhorn and Grizzley | Teen Ink

Longhorn and Grizzley

January 29, 2015
By Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Grant Schlichting SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Forest

In the grove,
many animals rise and fall,
But only few,
give freedom to the forest.

A russet Grizzly,
from years of conquest.

A tan Longhorn,
from years of working.

Only one animal can take control.
The choice isn’t in the hands of the animal,
but in the hands of the forest.

The forest decide,
why pull the world
when others will do it for me?

we have slaughtered the bull,
and we have feed it to the monster,
of tyranny, and of oppression.

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