Its almost over | Teen Ink

Its almost over

June 10, 2013
By Jessica96 SILVER, Searsport, Maine
Jessica96 SILVER, Searsport, Maine
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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People cry, not because they're weak. Its because they've been strong for too long.

As the years pass by
we look around there are
so many changes that have happen
right in front of us that we didn't see.
Look back on pictures of old times
and see how different we are from now,
looking back on school and wondering how
it passed by so fast, we all hate it now but
we only have one more year.
One more year to plan what the rest of
our lives may look like. To plan our future.

So I take in what we have all learned growing up
what we have experienced, and I look at what I can
make for myself in my future. We are all still so young,
but we don't have long. So have your fun times with your
friends while you can, stay young for that one more year,
cause it may be your last year you ever have to have
fun till the sun.

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