My Rainbow | Teen Ink

My Rainbow

January 22, 2013
By Jessie Melgoza SILVER, Watsonville, California
Jessie Melgoza SILVER, Watsonville, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can't get you out of my mind
I accidentally do wrong from right I get pushed in but your always their to lend a hand
I can't get mad at you for this so strong that I feel
in my darkest days you show up and brighten up my day
you make each and every second worth being here for you
I found my rainbow in those days so foggy, rainy,and cold as ice
i found protection with you and happiness te quiero and if it happens that te quiero will transform into Te Amo

The author's comments:
te quiero means I like you in Spanish
Te Amo means I love you

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