Why cry? | Teen Ink

Why cry?

January 10, 2013
By nyamrose BRONZE, Floresville, Texas
nyamrose BRONZE, Floresville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
where there's a will there's a way

Why cry, when no
One will dry your tears?
Why smile when no
Will see how pretty
You are? Why laugh
When no one will
Hear how unique
You are? Why do
Your best when everyone
Just shoots you down?

When no one believes
In you, nobody believes
In what you can do.
They say you can
And you believe them
Then they turn around
And say no you
Cant. you’re thinking no
Not again!

I wish someone would
Just lift me up.
I wish they would
Believe that I could
Touch the sun! They
Say all I have
Are dreams, nothing that
Can become a reality!

But I say I can!
I’ll cry my own
Tears, ill dry them
On my own! And
I’ll smile but just
For me and for
Those who believe in
Me, and I’ll laugh
But only when my
Dreams become a reality.
I’ll say I can,
Won’t say I can’t!
Even if I have
To climb the hill
To prove that I
Can, then I will,
I will! If i
Fall I’ll try again.
And I’ll keep saying
To myself I can,
I will, until I
Say I did!

Won’t listen to the
Negatives. I know I
Can do everything you
Do. I can do
All of those possibilities!
These are the words
That creep inside head.
The things they say
Are still with me
Till this day. They’ll
Never go away! But
It might fade, and
I will make the
Best of it until
I say, I did!

The author's comments:
I am new to this website but automatically I wanted to share something that I had wrote about me and the way it is for me. I know it’s like this for a lot of people it may cheer you up but it’s mainly supposed to let you know that you’re not alone.

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