Life's Ups and Downs | Teen Ink

Life's Ups and Downs

December 10, 2012
By Diamond Wray BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Diamond Wray BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Start here.

As the ink begins to spill on the paper, you begin your fate.
Come to a turn, left or right? Make the right decision before it's too late.

Continue on as you are faced with another obstacle.
Which way to go now?
You turn right then you realize that was the wrong turn, wow.
You can't erase where you came from though, you have to keep going and growing.

Finally, you conquer the problem and continue on.
That’s when things re occur and go wrong.

It seems as though you can’t catch a break, and that’s when your heart starts to ache.
Am I just not good enough? Am I always going to screw up?
You begin to question yourself.

Don’t worry, things will be alright.
Lift your head up high and continue on with this fight.

We go through things for experience, in the end will all make sense.

Filled with twists, turns, and mistakes that you can't scratch out,
Life is a maze, and this is what it's all about.

The author's comments:
Being a teenager, we are constantly faced with certain obstacles that the world throws at us. From listening to my friends problems and even thinking about certain things in my life, I was able to create this poem. I hope others reading this will learn that just because they are going through something, it doesn't mean that they will be in that place forever. Everything in life is a learning experience and in the end, you come out with wisdom and a different outlook on certain situations.

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