Real, Dream, or Nightmare | Teen Ink

Real, Dream, or Nightmare

August 4, 2012
By MangaPhilosopher SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
MangaPhilosopher SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
one is all and all is one

A life in fear is not life at all

We only laugh when we get the money and we only cry when bankrupt:This qoute is for some

Life is just a dream one big twisted dream

The Less you care the less you have to loss

If I die I die cool

I think: therefore I am
Better to be weird, then cliché

What if this world wasn't real?
I wouldn't know what to feel
What if this world is just a dream?
I could do as I so ever pleased
Maybe we aren't even alive
Perhaps we aren't even dead
We might be something caught in between
Or this world could be a nightmare
That would explain a lot
This world could be the hell we received
When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit
Maybe this world is just a game
And a higher power moves use were it wishes
Many people wouldn't like the idea that there not in control
Perhaps this world is heaven
That disappointing if this is as good as it gets
How can tell if this world is real or not
Maybe this whole world is just a dream
Just one big twisted dream

The author's comments:
We can never truely know..... and that just kills me.

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