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For you.

January 14, 2012
By DietCoke1996 SILVER, Essex, Other
DietCoke1996 SILVER, Essex, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It always rains harder on the people who deserve the sun.

Wrapping it up lovingly, she smiled bravely and willing,
she carefully mended it with tape and anything she could find
any hesitant thoughts she pushed behind.

It bled through the paper, she hugged it close, she stitched up the holes
with a thicker thread.
She took a quick look at the heart she had mended and was pleased with how she had covered those tears.
She parceled it up and walked out the door living through all the cold hard stares.

When she was standing in front of him, she proudly gave him her gift,
still beating hazely through it’s hidden - patched up pain.
He undid the packaging in the unforgiving rain.

He took two steps away from her- thoughtlessness spread across his face
he threw the heart on the floor- the girl dropped with a thud
the heart began to slow, it’s blood mingling with the rain
a pool of red formed on the gils empty chest like a stain.

She sat and wept until she could cry no more
she breathed faintly until her lungs were sore
she held the heart shakily in her weak hands
if only she hadn’t a heart to break
if only it wouldn’t suffer the pain it was given to take
If only like the other organs it would fail
rather than leaving a blood like trail.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem to signify how delicate people can be, and how raw emotions can be.

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