My Resolution | Teen Ink

My Resolution

November 18, 2011
By nikki007 GOLD, Bonney Lake, Washington
nikki007 GOLD, Bonney Lake, Washington
15 articles 14 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be the change you want to see" gandhi

A goal is said to be
A dream with a deadline.
Yet I don’t have a new goal;
Just the same ones.
At the beginning of the year;
School year that is.
I’m not even halfway through
Why should I add another?
Just because the date changed?
No matter what the numbers
Of the day is,
Life continues,
Why does something
As little as a new year,
Give reason to make everyone
Try to change.
Why can they not improve
What they already have?
Idea, light bulb turned on!
Become better than
What I have been.
That’s my new year’s

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