Love Conquers | Teen Ink

Love Conquers

April 26, 2011
By CBLover SILVER, Bells, Texas
CBLover SILVER, Bells, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord...&quot;<br /> Psalm 19:14

A four letter word that is not described well enough. A word that is not just a feeling, its an action. An internal and external feeling. Butterflies flapping around, scared by a loud noise.
Drums beating as if we just got a touchdown at a football game. A timeless emotion that goes on like a circle that never ends. An emotion that is intense, that can be shared with more than one person at a time.
A word that describes marriage. A timeless bond that keeps getting better and better, especially when you are with the one person you love the most. An emotion that you should never be ashamed of. The one person you care about and trust the most. Be ready to express it when the time comes because you never know when that day may be.
Ask for your soul-mate, who understands your struggles and your hardships, who's always there when you need them. Who knows what you want and need. Who knows what advice to give and who to beat up for bringing you down. Who is there with open arms that will hold you until you are okay and even after you have stopped crying, and a shoulder for your tears to be caught until you have no more. I'm so grateful for you babe, I love you.

The author's comments:
This is the feeling I have for the guy I have dated off and on, but this time, its different. Some girls and guys even, have felt this way about their significant other and I want to know what they think of this article.

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