The Middle East | Teen Ink

The Middle East

May 13, 2024
By ashreads SILVER, Calabasas, Please Select
ashreads SILVER, Calabasas, Please Select
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“I'm from the middle east” I say.

Immediately a possibility for kinship

Lights a fire behind their eyes

Teeth shine as a smile widens on their face

“Where” they ask.

I say the name of my motherland

The country my people fought for

The country where my parents took their first breath

And the country where my great grandmother took her last.

I say the name of my home

Six letters my people prayed to hashem would be ours to say

And yet

When I say Israel

Their face falls.

A scowl replaces the smile

Eyes boring into me

They speak

And then I remember.

We are now the oppressors.

We are now racists.

And murderers.

And terrorists.

Is there any use trying to change their mind?

Why show them articles

And research

By intelligent people

When their phone has already convinced them?

When one minute videos 

With misinformation

Etched their way into their brain?

Their words grow louder

And louder

And now we rule the banks

And now we are greedy

And nasty

And ugly. 

I try to turn

But their hands

Gruff with holding signs

Streaked with red and green and black

They grab my shoulders.

They’re yelling now.

I cry as my face contorts.

A unibrow.

A pointy nose.

I have become the lies.

But I think of my family.

Of my cousins fighting for their lives,

Of my grandparents that just want a home

Without a shelter as their bedroom

And missiles staining the sky above.

I say am yisrael chai

And I am myself again.

Their hands are now at their sides.

They are emotionless.

I turn around

And walk away.

I can't change their mind

But I don't need to.

The author's comments:

so sick of the genocide bandwagon

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