The Carousel | Teen Ink

The Carousel

January 6, 2010
By hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

Its not like I can stop,
I can’t just leave it all behind,
I know I can’t tell anybody,
but I can’t get it off my mind,

I haunts me like a ghost,
hangs over me like a storm,
but somehow you can’t see it,
beneath this act that I perform.

I’m such a hypocrite,
a liar, a horrible friend,
but I’m too scared to tell you,
scared our friendship will end.

We’re going in circles,
my life’s become a carousel,
I want so badly to just get off,
to escape this living hell.

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This article has 97 comments.

samantha13 said...
on Apr. 14 2010 at 12:12 pm
samantha13, Saugus, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 5 comments
i love this poem, it has a really good meaning :)

amanda16 said...
on Apr. 14 2010 at 12:01 pm
amanda16, Saugus, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I really liked this poem! I liked how it rhymed and it was meaningful.

ashaaley said...
on Apr. 14 2010 at 11:49 am
ashaaley, Saugus, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's never to late to be what you might have been

omgg this poem is amazing i wanna like frame it and put it on my wall, story of my life, AMAZING♥ (:

on Apr. 14 2010 at 11:48 am
marisaXangela BRONZE, Saugus, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
great poemmmm, story of my lifee

Eric DeMeo said...
on Apr. 14 2010 at 9:00 am
Eric DeMeo, Saugus, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 11 comments
nice rhyming

AlexSerino said...
on Apr. 14 2010 at 8:56 am
AlexSerino, Saugus, Massachusetts
0 articles 0 photos 11 comments
this is a really good ballad, i like how you rhyme:)

on Mar. 21 2010 at 8:05 pm
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

thank you so much! I try to make everything so that it is easy for a reader to connect, and ultimately come to love, because they understand it. =D

justbe-3 said...
on Mar. 20 2010 at 6:53 pm
justbe-3, Hollis, New Hampshire
0 articles 0 photos 76 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You live but once, you might as well be amusing." -Coco Chanel
"Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't." -Richard Bach
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." -Einstein

i tagged this as a favorite, i really loved this. i love the line "It haunts me liek a ghost, hangs over me like a storm, but somehow you can't see it, beneath this act that i perform." i also like "Im such a hypocrite, a liar, a horrible friend." you a great author. i can tell you put a lot of thought behind this.

on Mar. 7 2010 at 9:21 pm
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

aww thanks <3

i really appreciate it

on Mar. 7 2010 at 9:18 pm
lovelytonight93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
For now, For ever

hey so im gonna make this my favorite piece on this site <3

i love this poem!!!! =D

on Mar. 6 2010 at 9:13 pm
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

thanks, and who says i was able? and yeah, ill look at your work right now... thanks for the comment!! =D

on Mar. 5 2010 at 8:49 pm
GreenLover SILVER, Anaheim, California
5 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
Time is but a number

i can so relate to this. i feel you. except i was never able to get off. hahaha can u look at some of my work?

on Feb. 20 2010 at 11:39 am
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

=D thank you so much, lailie =P

on Feb. 19 2010 at 10:11 am
lailazohra SILVER, Kutztown, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
-"If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that... I believe in what I do, and I'll say it. " -John Lennon

wow, you are such an incredible writer, hannie. :] this poem is truly amazing. <3 loveee it

on Feb. 18 2010 at 7:14 am
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

ok, so apparently all the links went through now... so theres like 6 links to finding the cure right here... haha thats so weird!

irishfreak16 said...
on Jan. 29 2010 at 11:40 am

on Jan. 29 2010 at 11:40 am
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

sure thing go ahead... haha

irishfreak16 said...
on Jan. 29 2010 at 11:39 am
yup and at least you dont cut yourself like other people i know. and i do like your cyclops that you made earlier!!! would you mind if i use it?!?!?!

on Jan. 29 2010 at 11:38 am
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

nope... link wont go through... well if anyone wants to see it you can look at other poems by me. Read/rate/comments are very much appreciated... THANK YOU!!! =D

on Jan. 29 2010 at 11:37 am
hbananabread93 GOLD, Lyons, Pennsylvania
11 articles 4 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is what it is
dance like EVERYBODY is watching

http ://teenink .com /poetry/song_lyrics/article/152121/Finding-the-Cure/