In The Dark Part 3 | Teen Ink

In The Dark Part 3

April 2, 2015
By EsperanzaGonzalez GOLD, Santa Rosa, California
EsperanzaGonzalez GOLD, Santa Rosa, California
15 articles 2 photos 0 comments

I wait
for you to ask
but we only ever lean toward the edge
never a step over
never the courageous leap
I deny myself the hope that it will happen
not even certain whether it is hope I feel
or fear tugging at my heart
you tell me things
I don’t know if I want to hear
though I have asked to hear them all my life
when you say them
I almost want to hide
but I…
really cannot fathom why
It is almost as though I fear getting what I want
fear feeling what has never been felt
alone I have sat in the dark
what might happen
if from the very start
there was someone there with me
reaching out for my heart

The author's comments:

This poem is dedicated to all the kids who are even slightly like me. I have spent a majority of my life expecting my friends to eventually hurt and abandon me, and of course they always do. This poem is about when that doesn't happen. When, for the first time, some one genuinly wants to be with you and it's a little bit scary because it's unknown territory. Even though you may have always wished for the day to come, now that it has you have no idea what to do. It is awsome, but also terrifying. 

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