All That Is Lost | Teen Ink

All That Is Lost

July 7, 2009
By KassyElizabeth DIAMOND, Argyle, New York
KassyElizabeth DIAMOND, Argyle, New York
65 articles 14 photos 30 comments

I'm losing my will
So let them fall like rain
These tears from my eyes
Because I can't take the pain
Oh and believe me I try
but I fail each time
And all I have left
is to lie here and cry
Upon my heart
I'm sure you'll find
scars of all sorts
Still healing with time
And loves a cruel game
which causes so much pain
which begins to claim
your heart and your mind
It tortures your soul
and takes a hard toll
Turning you cold
till you can't take it anymore
It starts towards the surface
and finds its way to your core
Taking over you
it's true
You can do nothing to stop it
your helpless and afraid
and oh the pain
You can try
but it isn’t shy
and it takes its time
till your screaming
on the inside
begging and pleading
but you swear its reading
your mind
and it knows
your losing control
and soon it will have you
yes soon it will trap you
inside of yourself
while turning you into
someone else
you don’t smile
you don’t laugh
your not sure
if you can last
but hold on
as long as you can
it wont do much
but it will help you stand
And I know your crying
but keep on trying
your strength will fail
and as you grow pale
you begin to die
on the inside
But don’t give up yet
and there may still be hope
but if you give in
then you’ll never know.


This article has 2 comments.

Lonleydandy said...
on Jul. 15 2009 at 2:36 pm
WOW. I have read a lot of poems, but this one is AMAZING

on Jul. 13 2009 at 1:17 pm
wow. i love this poem!!