The Problem With Social Injustices | Teen Ink

The Problem With Social Injustices

May 5, 2016
By JackMcDonough SILVER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
JackMcDonough SILVER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

The world is full of horrible unbalanced and unexplainable injustices.  Why are some people born into opportunity, endless avenues and outlets for success, while others remain quieted and stifled in cruel face of seclusion.  Their cries for attention are never heard at the noisy surface of the world of those consumed in only their own agendas.  Their ears deafened and excluding all sounds except ones that involve their own progression or prosperity.  A valid counterargument some may propose is constructed around the idea that actions are the exclusive reason as to why people find themselves in compromising situations.  This may be true, but in a large scale way of thinking, can be deemed completely erroneous as it disregards the vast majority of people born into an unfortunate modern social class with no apparent escape. 

There are people in this world with unimaginable capabilities, but are never granted the opportunity to share them with the rest of us.  On the contrary, there are people with every opportunity to prove their worth and value to society yet always fail to.  They lazily meander through life craftily dodging conflict and any sort of production resulting in the contributions equivalent to one in a state of comatose.  How can the capable and willing never receive an opportunity to reveal their potential while the lethargic and passive neglect all of theirs?  This seems like a strange paradox in this world we consider to be fair and one that will always complete its due course. 

But who am I to criticize, for I am only a mere analytic.  One can examine my previous dissertation with the most intricate care yet find no solution imbedded in the series of whimsical interpretations.  I supply no answer to the proposed conflict, ironically and consequently placing me in the ever-growing category of the idle and useless.  I chose to write objectively, not satirically to express my beliefs, yet it seems I have created a satire subconsciously.  Incorrect.  There seems to be no solution for the injustices previously mentioned.  A utopia with equality for all, the same starting point accompanied by all the same resources sounds very pleasing, but anyone who has ever read utopian novels understands that this usually develops into a dystopia.  Somewhere someone would have a problem, or our innate sense of free will would incredibly outmatch our suppression as it always seems to do and liberation would be again inevitable. 

The problem lies in our insatiable thirst for ourselves.  We seem to never be contempt.  Like most abstract realizations or theories this trait can bolster our success while also be extremely detrimental.  Returning to the original point of injustices that have been accepted as typical, we put limits on what we can accomplish together by only selecting from a few rather than all that it is available.  I am aware enough to recognize this almost philosophical problem but not quite capable of developing a solution.  A gap that in theory seems so small yet in reality is a large chasm.  I am too immersed in society and its practices already to fully understand, never able to cross this chasm that exists between both worlds.  Sometimes I think it would be easier for people to not have been exposed to it at all for it remains just a tease, I will forever be interrupted at the crossroads between immanency and supplemental action in our own minds.  How can we possibly solve societal issues with no outside spectator?  It is equivalent to coaching a sporting event while playing in it.  But that is neither here nor there.  The only way to conclude is to recognize that imbalances will continue just as they always have, optimism is always acceptable, but our evolvement into the characteristics we have today show no signs of change, but of course, we don’t know that.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this piece because I became frustrated with some things that occur around me especally when I see no complete solution.

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