Why Students Should Be Able To Listen To Music, With There Own Devices, In | Teen Ink

Why Students Should Be Able To Listen To Music, With There Own Devices, In

February 13, 2015
By Rachel_1259 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
Rachel_1259 BRONZE, Marlborough, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Picture this, a silent classroom and all the students are listening to music. At the the end of class the students pass in there work and it’s all correct and they truly understand it. Do you think listening to music had anything to do with it? Some people think that listening to music distracts students from concentrating. Some people think it helps students with focusing, memorizing, and staying on track. Studies have showed that music relieves stress. Listening to music can actually be helpful.

Music is very important to teenages now and days. Its been proven to help students with ADD or ADHD. It takes the stress off their minds. Statistics have shown that 79% of students use music to concentrate. Music keeps the classroom quieter because if everyone is listening to music they won't have time to talk to one another and get distracted. Students say that listening to music gives them something to talk about with others when they are not listening to their IPods.

Another good thing about music in class is that it keeps the students awake. Students now and days already have to get up pretty early in the morning. Some can barely keep there eyes open. Music can help students from falling asleep. It also prevents them from focusing on how tired they are and focusing more on there work. Also Thomas Jefferson used music to help him focus while writing the Declaration of Independence. If that doesn’t prove how good music is for your brain, I don’t know what does. Music can also lighten up someones mood. Students suffering with deppression can take there minds off whatever is troubling them. 

A solution to this should be, teachers be more flexible about music in class. For obvious reasons if a student is abusing the rules there should be consequences. Teachers have to understand that music can actually help students with there learning, And if teachers really want to see there students graduate and be succesful in life then they should be more supportive about having music in class.  

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