100% Organic Goodness | Teen Ink

100% Organic Goodness

May 6, 2013
By Anthony Gibbons BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
Anthony Gibbons BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My older brother grew up as a respectful and friendly person. He always took care of himself and his brothers even in simple ways like cooking us food, or watching over us when our parents weren’t home. All his life he surrounded himself with good influences and friendly faces. Unfortunately when he was nearing adulthood he morphed into something we never expected. He surrounded himself with negative influences, and because of that he corrupted himself with horrible decisions and abusive substances. At that point I knew he would be different for a long time, but what I didn’t know was that he would try his hardest to return to his former self many years later by returning to school and dedicating his time to following his passions and helping my younger brother learn. Because of my brother I believe all people are born good at heart, and it’s who we let influence us that forms our character.

When we are born we have no opinions, and we can’t think for ourselves. We feel no hate, prejudice, or seek violence against anybody. If a child experienced a life with no war, prejudice, or violence they would not know what it’s like to live in a world of hatred and death that almost all of us feel today. For someone to think that a youngling is guilty of any offense to humanity is being unfair, and is judging someone before they can prove themselves

As a child our morals and ethics are still blooming into the complex thoughts and ideas we use to rule our decisions and lives. If our morals favor making our lives and the world around us a better place, then we are showing our good heartedness especially when act on unjust matter and try to deliver justice or relief. If we have good morals and ethics then our conscience makes us feel guilty when we bring evil into the world. It’s only natural as human beings with free open minds to feel guilty. Feeling guilt shows that we must be good hearted because the outcome of doing something wrong weighs us down and demoralizes us. Good ethics reflect a good heart, and our ethics come from good hearted parents and friends.

Morals, ethics, and being innocent at birth are all great factors that determine a person’s intentions and heart, but it can all go to hell if a person is not taught how to live by those ideas. I’m not saying my ideals are more worthwhile than someone else. Who am I to judge right and wrong? For the sake of unity and fairness my morals support a better future. If we are taught or are influenced by people with bad morals and live against everyone else we will only feel jealousy, hatred, and personal glorification. We won’t try to use our gifts for others, but instead use them only for ourselves. These actions would reflect a corruption of our good heartedness. If we are taught to care for others, share, and perform what’s right in the face of hardships for ourselves then we are sticking out from others by showing our goodness and compassion for others. By using our gifts and our heart to do what’s good then we are strengthening our character, and forming ourselves into a dependable, reliant, and good person.

We are born good, and we will always be good as long as we maintain an integrity to withhold our ideals, seek goodness and peace, and avoid confrontations of hate, death, and evil. By letting ideas of hatred, prejudice, and being ignorant to others we are soiling our goodness. If we use our heart and morals to eradicate the roots of evil our future generations can live a life of peace, and become more tolerant of others and seek only to better our world.

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