Cell Phone Rant | Teen Ink

Cell Phone Rant

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

This past weekend, I met up with a group of my friends from middle school, for the first time in about a year. I could not wait for this day, because I actually started to miss them, and I could not wait to catch up with them.

At first, everything went well for the lunch. They all told me about Burlington Township and how much fun their senior year is there. They also told me about how they could not wait for college at BCC and to move on from high school drama.

However, the day went sour when it was my time to talk. You see, as they were talking I payed attention to every word. Sadly, they could not do the same thing when I stared talking. As soon as the first sentence left my mouth, their care went straight to their phones. For the whole time, I talked to them as they stared at their phones. Now every once and awhile, I would get a giggle or laugh from what I said. Other times it was if I were talking to a wall. I tried to keep the conversation going for as long as I could, but the rest of lunch consisted of them sitting and staring at their phones.

This experience made me ask myself one big question. What the hell is wrong with my generation?! Are some of them incapable of having a conversation with a person, or even paying attention to a person for more than ten minutes. Yes cellphones help make it easier to talk to people around the world. Yet the cellphones come at a cost. People are so busy with Facebook, Twitter, texting, or whatever they are on, to look right in front of them. Also, to choose not to listen to what someone has to say, shows you have no respect for what that person as to say.

So to my old friends, kids in my class, people driving, and every other dumb kid out there. I ask you to put the damn phone down! Thank you.

The author's comments:
I am tired of how my generation is obsessed with technology

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 22 2015 at 8:39 pm
SophieFloph PLATINUM, Seattle, Washington
21 articles 3 photos 37 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Her stomach did a revengeful flop."

I absolutely agree!