Everything but Perfection | Teen Ink

Everything but Perfection

September 3, 2013
By kiersten_lynn BRONZE, Valley Falls, New York
kiersten_lynn BRONZE, Valley Falls, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My thoughts are stars I can't fathom in constellations"- John Green

Love. It's such a simple word isn't it? The way the first letter rolls off the tip of your tongue, so gently, only to end so harsh and sudden. Ironic isn't it, how comparable that is to how love actually works? Sorry, but I will never take that as an answer. More importantly, I will never blame a guy for our relationship not working out. Love is a two way street, and unless cheating was the reason for the breakup, it will NEVER be 100% the guy's fault. I think us girls take a lot of the blame for this. Guys get such a bad rep in love. Girls go through a breakup and pin absolutely everything on the guys. "Oh, well he didn't make an attempt to listen to my problems." Well you probably didn't make an attempt to tell him, either. I'm no relationship expert, but considering I've been in a relationship for over 2 years and am still completely and utterly in love, I would say I know a few tricks of the trade. You girls really need to stop expecting so much from guys. I'm sorry, but it's true. The quicker you learn that you're probably not going to find the Noah to your Allie or the Jack to your Rose in highschool, and quite possibly at all, the easier things are gonna be for you. I'm not saying perfect guys don't exist. I mean hey, look at Leonardo Dicaprio and Johnny Depp. But you are not going to find a guy who is romantic yet confident, bad yet has a sensitive side, is funnier than Neil Patrick Harris in How I Met Your Mother, and all tied together with the looks of David Beckham. Unless you want to date a martian, it is just not going to happen, because no human, girls included, is that perfectly perfect. Girls need to stop setting their standards so high. Not that you should settle. You should never settle for love. But I am telling you right now, you can find someone. They may not be perfect, but they are perfect for you. As far as I'm concerned, my boyfriend and I are perfect for each other. We're both stubborn as hell; we butt heads like crazy and fight like nobody's business and we annoy each other like no tomorrow. And I am absolutely in love with that boy. He is beautiful and caring and motivated and everything that I'm not. He's a pain in my butt 75% of the time and sometimes I just wanna strangle him. And I'm in love with every minute of it. That is love. Accepting each other at your worst and weakest points and falling in love with their flaws. The way they can't pronounce certain words, or they way the can NEVER seem to give up the remote. You fall in love with every part of them. Love is not perfection. Love is wonderful and beautiful and everything BUT perfect. And it is so worth it.

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