Happiness | Teen Ink


January 24, 2012
By Aliyah Hoffman BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Aliyah Hoffman BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What exactly is happiness? Happiness differs in everyone’s eyes. In my eyes, happiness ranges from just a relaxing day, to a fun-filled adventure, and relationships followed with family. The complete fulfillment of feeling completely happy, is when there is nowhere else you wish to be nor no one else you wish to be with. The moment of time tends to freeze right then and there, and you want to capture the moment like a camera. The mental state of loving someone and happiness also categorizes together. When you love someone, you tend to always be happy, through the ups and downs. Happiness is a term a lot of people use that relates to love, but the “love” and “joy” you may be feeling, may not be the real thing you believe it is. For me, the key to happiness is faith and never giving up. When you tend to think negative all the time and not try to find the best outcome of things, you search for guilt ways to make you seem in fault. Another thing, is that material possessions may seem to make you feel overjoyed because you found relief into getting something new. But, in reality, money cannot buy true happiness. As fake as that may sound to many of you, I really believe when you think about everything, you tend to realize whats the real truth. Furthermore, being glad you’re alive and cherishing everyone and everything in your life also is pure happiness along with your goals in life. When you’re thinking about the negatives in life, also consider everything you have been through and how the ups and down’s have affected you. Because, everyone has experienced true happiness. And in my view, happiness is what completes a human being.

The author's comments:
I believe this is the true definition in my eyes of happiness.

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This article has 1 comment.

TheBadSun said...
on Feb. 6 2012 at 2:46 pm
TheBadSun, Houston, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No surrender no retreat that is spartan law"

I like ur definition of happiness. I couldnt have said it better myself.