Summer | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

I am extremely excited for summer. It is just around the corner, breathing on me. The thought of my hair being tangled from the wind, sun kissed cheeks, surfboard beneath my toes, cold drink in my hand, and music blasting so loud that someone from Florida could probably sing along to it. But what's my plan? I plan on working out (gaining that summer bod;)) and spending every other second on the lake with my friends. I am striving to have the best summer ever by hanging out with my friends as much as possible (some family time as well). I yearn to go swimming at night, surfing, watch fireworks, cliff jumping, golfing, road trips, get tan, and play some beach volleyball. Everyday is going to be a boat day. I also would like to go on some fun camping trips and excursions because I haven’t really done it in the past and it seems really fun. Whether that is white river rafting, horseback riding lessons, or anything else you can think of. The more adventurous, the better. However, I need to watch my spending and find ways to get some sort of income that won’t take away from fulfilling my adventurous summer dream. Until next year, “a hui hou” (Hawaiian goodbye). 

The author's comments:

When asked, what are you looking forwards too?

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